Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Philadelphia on fire

1983 was the last time philadelphia has had a championship team to cheer for. The philadelphia 76ers swept the Los Angeles Lakers in the NBA finals. But the days of Dr J and World B Free are long gone now and professional sports in philadelphia is suffering through a drought. 24 years may not seem like a terribly long time to some but to the philly fanatics it is an eternity. The fans of this great city have been labeled "the best fans in the world" by many, every week tens of thousands of fans pack into philly stadiums to root for their beloved teams. Our fans get scrutinized for being too harsh on the players but how can we be cast in a bad light for caring too much?

Soo many great talents have come through our wonderful city with little to show for themeselves. Names like Iverson, Mcnabb, Curt Schilling, Scott Rolen, Daryl Daulton have become sports legends but none have experienced the thrill of knowing they are apart of the best team on the planet. Some have been close like the phillies in 93 who lost to the blue jays in the world series (damn Joe Carter) and only a few years back the Eagles had a shot but fell short to the patriots.

Fans of Philadephia have been there through the thick and the thin and proudly i can say i have been a part of the greatest sports city in the nation. We will cheer you when ure good and let you know when your bad but no matter what the city will never abandoned its professional sports teams. And so we wait, for the next Julius Erving to lead us to the promised land

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