Saturday, October 6, 2007

Phillies turn to Moyer........again

Who would think that a 44 year old pitcher would be called on to salvage the young talent laden phillies. Well thats exactly what is happening as the phillies have falllen down 0-2 in the NLDS to the Colorado Rockies. The phillies lost the first two games at home and now must comeback on the road and win to live another day. And this isnt the first time that the philly native Moyer. After 161 games the NL East division had settled absolutely nothing as the mets and phillies were tied going into the very last game of the regular season and Moyer took the mound for the red and white. On that faithful day the mets lost and Moyer threw 6 plus innings of quality work and phillies rolled past the nationals, making it to the playoffs for the first time in 14 years.

It has been a rather tumultious season for the elder statesman of the phillies pitching staff. He had an up and down season that led some to believe that Moyer was going to retire after the season. Some began to wonder if Moyer was acquired by the phillies during the offseason just to come in and teach talented rookies such as Kyle Kendrick and Cole Hamels. His knowledge has paid dividends but his experience has begun to payoff on the field in the most pressure packed situations. Philly faithful can only pray that Moyer's cool demeanor can continue to save their season as he begins to make preperations for possibly the biggest game of his long career

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