Saturday, October 20, 2007

Time to go Joe

The Joe Torre reign is over in the bronx. Joe Torre has turned down a yankees offer to remain the manager for another year. Where the yankees will go from here is a ll heresay but names such as, cardinals manager, tony larussa, don mattingly and even bobby valentino have been thrown around. Although at first glance the yankees seem to have been turned down looking deeper into the situation you will find that the idea that the yankees ownership truly wanted Joe back needs to be questioned.

The process was drug out over a several week span probably due to the fact that, owner, George Steinbrenner is in the process of handing over the keys of the team to his son. All the while Joe Torre sat patiently waiting, staying out of the media. When it came time to sit down for negotiations the yankees laid down a 1 year incentive laden deal worth 5 million in guarenteed money. It was well known that Joe was interested in a longer term deal as job protection in a city where nothing is guarenteed. Accompanied by the fact that this deal would be asking Torre to take a 30% paycut just didnt sit well with Torre and his representatives. Torre turned down the lame offer and the yankees basically said "well, good luck". Usually in this case the team would then have a counter offer but it was obvious that ownership didnt really want Joe Torre to take the job. Who will manage the bronx bombers next year? No one really knows, but 12 playoff appearences over 12 years with 4 titles under Torre's tutilidge is a tough job to follow.

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