Saturday, October 27, 2007

sox rock the rockies

Josh Beckett and Curt Schilling are two of the most dominant playoff pitchers of all time. So it isnt really fair that the Colorado Rockies have had to face both of these men in consecutive games to open up this years fall classic. The favored redsox have yet to allow 2 runs in a game while thier vaunted lineup has been lighting up the scoreboard. Big bats like those of Big Papi and Manny have been swinging for the fences and it looks as though the Rockies world series title hopes are dwindling.

Red sox nation loves their free-spirtited group of players. Their quotes have become media fodder and it seems as though they cant help but stir the pot with everything they say. Manny Ramirez was recently quoted as saying something to the effect of him not caring win or lose because this isnt the end of the world for him. This kind of apathy disgusts some and is refreshing to others but the most widely known fact is that everybody is listening. With such an outspoken team it is surprising that game three falls on the shoulders of the quitest man on the field. Rookie pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka takes the mound for the Red Sox in game 3 in Colorado. Only time will tell if Daisuke and his teammates can silence the Colorado crowd, a little less noise will be welcomed by followers of the series because we all know that the red sox dont seem to ever shut up.

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